“Sriyah Kanthaya Kalyana Nidhaye Nidhayerthinam Sri Venkata Nivasaaya Srinivasaya Mangalam”
Om Namo Narayanaya | Om Namo Venkateshaya |
We are a registered Charity Organisation under the name of Sri Venkateshwara (Balaji) Temple & Cultural Centre. Our objective is to construct Sri Venkateshwara (Balaji) Temple as part of an iconic “Balaji Village” that serves as a cultural, social, spiritual and Yoga centre, depicting Hindu Dharma and illustrating the multi cultural nature of Bharat and England.
SVBTCC appeals to the devotees for joining this divine journey and realize our dream. This serves all the communities, not this generation but future generations too.
Planning to visit the temple in Bracknell? As per the requirements of the local council, a maximum of 30 (adults and children included) can be at the temple at any given time. Please enter your details including your Car Registration number. Bring the booking token & number on your mobile, without fail to avoid disappointment. Thank you for your co-operation. Govinda!
Daily Sevas
Kumkum Archana
Ashtothara Nama Archana for Balaji
Sahasra Nama Archana for Balaji
We are a registered Charity Organisation under the name of Sri Venkateshwara (Balaji) Temple & Cultural Centre (SVBTCC). We have acquired an interim premises in Bracknell to carry out religious and cultural activities round the year. We humbly appeal to all devotees for joining this divine journey and realise our dream to build a beautiful temple in London. We will serve all communities and demonstrate exemplary service to humanity and the Lord. We endeavour to leave behind a rich heritage and culture for the future generations to come.
Our Mission
The advancement of the Sanatana Dharma (Hindu religion) among communities by :
- The provision of safe and easy access for regular worship and fellowship.
- Raising awareness about “Sanatana Dharma” (Hinduism) and inculcating Hindu values and culture in our family life and to foster pride in our heritage among the younger generation.
- Raising awareness of yoga, meditation, the arts, spiritual and inter-religious education to promote religious and social tolerance.
- Working with other interfaith groups to promote harmony, integration and peace.
- Establishing a Cultural Centre and a Temple for worship in order to achieve the objective.
Our mission is serve (Dharmic, spiritual Cultural & social) to communities through devotion and dedication.
Proposed Community Services
Cultural Events
Shloka Classes
Arts & Crafts
Music Classes
Dance Classes
Yoga & Wellbeing
Community activities
and services
Upcoming Events and Festivals
Read our latest Blog
Watch this space for experiences and stories on Lord Venkateshwara.
Listen Online or Download favourite suprabhatams, sahasranamams and other Vedic chants by our own devotees with perfect intonation and swaritam.